Industry-Leading Duct & Envelope Air Sealing Technology
Improving the lives of people by delivering comfort, healthy air, and substantial energy savings.
Verified air sealing for your new home construction.
We offer home builders, energy raters, and homeowners measurable technology that takes the stress out of air sealing homes, high-rises and commercial buildings. With consistent results allowing your schedule to maintain its course. Complete Air Sealing in 1/3 the time with a single crew, compared to manual sealing

Seal invisible leaks
Aeroseal’s automated technology finds the exact amount of leakage in your system and targets all of the cracks and holes – even the ones you can’t see and can’t reach. Our duct seal formula is safe and non-toxic. Best of all, our non-invasive process takes only a few hours, no demolition, and no clean-up needed.
Experience the Benefits of Aeroseal Now!
Get professional advice, reliable service, and a more comfortable building today.
Trusted by the Pros!
Holmes and Holmes Featuring AeroBarrier on DIY Network
The award-winning buzz of AeroBarrier, breakthrough envelope sealing technology, continues to grow! In September 2018, the nationally-televised home improvement show Holmes & Holmes featured AeroBarrier in one of its episodes on DIY Network (in the U.S.).
1 Year Later and This Company is BLOWING UP!
Matt Risinger and Gord Cooke from Building Knowledge Canada talk about how stress-free and beneficial this product is for making your house even tighter in just 90 minutes!
Tested and Proven Results
From start to finish, the sealing process takes 1-2 hours. Using a blower door, the AeroBarrier system derives air leakage (ACH) readings in real-time allowing us to control the entire process and hit the desired target.
2.5 to <0.4 ACH is Achievable!
For new construction applications, prep and clean-up time is minimal – typically taking less than an hour. Once set up, the AeroBarrier machine takes over and manages the sealing process through completion. AeroBarrier is licensed from the University of California at Davis and has proven itself over years of testing by the California Energy Commission and the US Department of Energy.