Florida State Capitol Building

TYPE: Government

As duct sealing codes change, Aeroseal provides confidence projects will comply and pass inspection.

The Florida State Capitol building is the centerpiece of downtown Tallahassee. The 22-story government structure towers over the entire city as it serves as Florida’s home to its executive and legislative branches of state politics. During a building renovation/retrofit project involving several of the building’s bathrooms, engineers noted that much of the existing exhaust ductwork had never been sealed, and new building code regulations require sealed ductwork. Plus, the contractors knew that sealed air ducts are paramount to maintaining and ensuring proper exhaust for the building’s HVAC system. While new fans and other equipment were being specified into the original contractor bids, lead engineers familiar with Aeroseal included aerosol-based duct sealing in the specification too.

Aeroseal was compared head-to-head with bids for hand sealing alone (e.g. mastic, tape) and won the contract. It not only proved to be a cost-effective solution for sealing the existing ductwork, but its unique from-the-inside application provided minimal disruption to the building’s regular functioning. Unlike hand sealing, you do not have to tear down walls to seal air ducts hidden behind drywall.

Project Overview
Building Florida State Capitol Building
Location Tallahassee, Florida
Aeroseal Contractors TruSeal a.ka. Independent Green Technologies, LLC (Solar Contractor)
Contract Engineer H2Engineering, Inc.
Goal Meet duct sealing codes in the most cost-effective manner to achieve code compliance for building renovation/retrofit.
Before Aeroseal 592 CFM of leakage
After Aeroseal 97 CFM of leakage
Results Sealed air ducts with 85% reduction in leakage for approximately 30% less costs than hand duct sealing alone; Achieved duct sealing code compliance

The reason we went with Aeroseal is that it is so much easier to apply in an existing building. Unlike traditional manual sealing, we did not have to remove the ceiling tiles, unwrap and rewrap insulation or deal with other obstacles. It was all done quickly and without interruption to the rest of the building.

Dan Henderson
Project Engineer
H2Engineering Inc.

Florida-based solar contractor Independent Green Technologies, LLC sealed nine bathroom exhaust shafts in only a weekend. The total cost for the project was estimated to be around 30% lower then the average bid for hand sealing alone.  Most importantly, all of the air ducts were effectively sealed, and code compliance was certified in real-time using the Aeroseal Certificate of Completion generated instantly at the completion of each Aeroseal duct sealing project showing pre-seal and post-seal duct leakage (CFM).

The engineers plan on using Aeroseal for future duct test and repair (DTR) projects at the Capitol building and other facilities.

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