Aeroseal Equipment

Engineered & Designed for New Construction HVAC

Home Seal Xpress

Your team will use the Home Seal Xpress (HSX) duct sealing system from Aeroseal, a durable and user-friendly tool that ensures minimal duct leakage in any HVAC system. This piece of Aeroseal equipment applies certified methods to measure pressure and airflow dynamically, providing real-time data through its software. It includes a seal certificate verifying duct leakage results, which can be presented to code inspectors.


Product Name Home Seal Xpress
Application New Construction
Power Requirements 3 x 120V AC 15A
External Requirements N / A
Sealant Flow 57 CCM (0.09 gal/hr)
Max CFM 1000 CFM
Weight Fan Box – 58lbs
Pump Box – 34lbs
External Dimensions Fan Box – 32.5” L X 15” W X 16.5” H 4.65 ft3
Pump Box - 19” L X 13” W X 15” H 2.14 ft3

Why Start Using the HSX On Your Jobs?

Typical Job Costs Using Aeroseal

Manual vs. Air Sealing

The costs of Aerosealing are as good as or better when including labor to hand-sealing with mastic. Aeroseal equipment means not fail inspections, and can used in place of an inspection in several states.

Job Profitability
Per Day (3 seals) $1100 Retail Per Month (30 seals)
Total Revenue $3,300 $33,300
Total Expenses $1,428 $14,280
Expenses $1,872 (57%) $18,720 (57%)
Job Cost
Per Job
Labor/HR $40
Total Labor/HR $46
Prep Time 0.5 HR
Sealing Time 1 HR
Breakdown/Clean up 0.5 HR
Total Job Time 2 HR
Total Labor Cost $92
Material Cost $175
License Fee** $209
Total Expenses $476

Utah Code Rescue

Case study | Salt Lake City, Utah

The job was progressing like any other. The builder’s usual HVAC contractor was installing sheet metal ductwork and hand-sealing joints with mastic as they usually do.

After the first pass of mastic work, the ductwork failed inspection. After a 2nd pass, the ductwork still wasn’t passing, with over 360 CFM of leakage, or 12 CFM per 100 ft2, leaking through the ductwork after 8 hours of labor and $600 of inspection fees. The builder was in trouble. To avoid rebuilding the ductwork, they called Aeroseal-dealer Airlock, LLC, to save the project’s timeline.

After only 60 minutes of, duct leakage was brought down to 20 CFM, or <1 CFM per 100 ft2, easily passing inspection.

The Process Explained

Summarized in 3 Steps

STEP 1: Prep & Test

Prepare System / Blocking

Registers are temporarily blocked with foam plugs to force air in the ductwork to escape through any leaks. Then the air conditioning indoor coil, fan, and furnace are temporarily blocked with a foam plug to prevent sealant particles from entering this part of the HVAC system.

Connect System to Ductwork

Once the system is prepped, the Aeroseal equipment is connected to the ductwork using lay flat tubing. A small, temporary access hole is cut into the duct work, and a temporary collar is attached. One end of the tubing connects to the collar; the other end connects to the Aeroseal device.

Pretest Ductwork

The Aeroseal system runs a pretest that pressurizes the duct system and provides a leakage reading on the computer. It will detect the exact amount of duct leakage in the duct system (the typical duct leakage detected in a home is up to 40%).

STEP 2: Seal & Measure

Leaks Are Found

The patented aerosol sealant is injected as a dry mist into the ductwork. Holes and cracks in the duct system are found by the pressurization.

Sealant Seals Ductwork

Sealant particles collect on the edges of holes and cracks in the ductwork to seal them from the inside.

Track & Record Progress

Aeroseal system software allows the technician to monitor progress in real-time and watch the minute-by-minute reduction in leakage.

STEP 3: Enjoy Comfort & Energy Savings

Verify Duct Sealing

Upon completion, the homeowner is presented with verifiable proof of the seal – a certificate is generated by the equipment with before and after results.

Results Customers Can See & Feel

In addition to a visual record of the work, customers feel the results almost immediately. Temperatures throughout the building even out, hot and cold spots are eliminated, and the HVAC system runs more efficiently. Homeowners will also notice improved indoor air quality and lower utility bills.

Show Customers The Results

Aeroseal's Certificate of Completiong

Aeroseal’s leak sealing software generates an analysis summarizing key points of the duct sealing process.

Before and after leakage test results

A graph showing progress during the process

Heating and cooling capacity improvement

This visual record for the customer verifies the duct sealing process was a success. And it ensures customers can see the difference immediately before feeling the improved indoor comfort and getting a lower utility bill.


Is Aeroseal Code Compliant?
Yes! Aeroseal is IRC compliant and our technical experts will work on your behalf to provide your builders and code officials all necessary documentation so you can focus on sealing.
What duct materials is Aeroseal compatible with?
Aeroseal can be used with the most common materials such as Flex duct, duct board, and rigid sheet metal but also with panned in joists and wall cavities where lumber and drywall are present, all without the need to deconstruct anything.
What is Aeroseal’s warranty?
We warranty the seal for 10 years as the OEM, and it has been proven through 3rd party labs to last greater than 40 years with no signs of degradation.
How does the Aeroseal machine measure results?
The Aeroseal equipment comes standard with the same testing instruments used by code officials across the United States. Aeroseal integrates a manometer and our software intuitively tracks duct leakage in real time. Upon completion of the seal, a final duct efficiency test is conducted at 25 pascals, as required by code, and a certified copy is made available for your records and to provide all necessary parties.
What stage of construction is Aeroseal applied?
Any! Aeroseal’s versatility provides contractors the greatest flexibility to achieve their duct sealing requirements with reliable results, no matter when. The only requirement for Aeroseal is that the duct work be installed in place, meaning the air handler doesn’t necessarily need to be installed. This is a big competitive advantage as you can seal regardless of the duct work being accessible so you and builder can gain scheduling flexibility while achieving your duct efficiency targets.
How big of a leak can Aeroseal seal?
Aeroseal effectively seals up to 5/8″ wide gaps, which in new construction with a quality install is easily more than enough.
Does Aeroseal remove the need for hand sealing?
When the duct work material is hung to manufacturer specifications, Aeroseal is a direct replacement for any traditional duct sealing method and removes the need for hand sealing at all connection points throughout the duct system. This leaves only the cabinet to be hand sealed as needed.
How does this product effect static pressure in the duct?
The vast majority of the time, Aeroseal Duct does not measurably increase the static pressure. However, on an oversized system with very leaky ductwork, the static pressure will increase; in these limited cases the system or ductwork design should be addressed first.
How does an inspector know Aeroseal has been performed on ductwork during inspection?
In these situations, we recommend drilling a small, 1/4" hole, in the ductwork which is easily visible. Sealant will fill the hole just like all the other leaks and the inspector can confirm the presence of sealant. Some inspectors require that they must visually see sealant, despite the tightness of the ducts.
How thick does it go on?
Sealant only builds up where there are leaks and stops accumulating when the leak is filled, generally the sealant will not add more thickness than the width of the gap it is sealing. For example, a 0.1" gap will end up with about a 0.1" thick sealant plug.
Does this product have a flame spread rating?
"It does, DuctSeal LT is UL classified under Caulking and Sealants 32HK with a flame and smoke spread of 0"

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