The air filters in your heating and cooling system will become dirty over time. Replacing them regularly will allow your system to work with less strain because it won’t have to work twice as hard to push air through a dirty filter.

19. Use a Ceiling Fan when Possible

Using a ceiling fan instead of turning on the A/C is another aspect of most energy-efficient home designs that people tend to overlook. The habit of using your ceiling fan to cool down your house so that it’s not cooking like an oven can add up to big-time savings.

Building an Energy-Efficient Home will Help You Save Your Hard Earned Cash

With energy-efficient options for a home becoming more and more prevalent every day, it’s a good idea to brush up on some ideas you might want to try yourself.

Whether you want to use the most energy-efficient home design from the ground up, or just add a few items here and there, it’s never been easier to save massive amounts of money on your energy bill.